Executive Recruitment Survey: What’s the most important factor when selecting a search firm?

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In light of the current situation, I thought it would be interesting to do a quick 2 minute Executive Recruitment Survey.
Something different but something that can help us deliver future content our audience will want to read.
Our blog has been live for several months now and we’ve seen some very positive analytics.
Visitor numbers are increasing month on month.
We are starting to appear in organic searches for our target keywords.
And most encouraging of all, our visitors are spending a significant amount of time on the site reading our Insight articles!
It’s all very positive.
Our website, and specifically the blog, is our voice.
We can use it as a platform to promote our philosophy, our way of working. To share the benefit of wisdom and experience.
However, we want to open it up to you.
Please take a couple of minutes to answer a few simple questions by clicking the link below…