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Regular visitors to our Current Opportunities may have noted that, although our recruitment process is very much an executive one, we will, on occasion, recruit roles below exec and senior management level.
You may even wonder why? Well…
1. Our business model is squarely aimed at executive, board, C-suite and senior management-level recruitment.
2. Our expertise is in finding, attracting and presenting candidates that are the perfect fit for our client’s brief.
The Barron Williams recruitment process is based on proven best practices and processes, something we discussed in detail in our approach to executive search article.
We’ve developed and refined that approach over time, and then applied it to meet the unique requirements of each client role brief.
That is what we do. And what we do it very well. But don’t take our word for it, speak to our clients and/or read our case studies.
The model is incredibly effective at the senior executive level and, perhaps unsurprisingly, it is just as effective with lower-level roles too.
The downside for us as a business is that, as recruitment fee structures tend to be determined by salary, the work we do costs the same but generates a lower fee.
I know, poor us. Could we not offer a Barron Williams “lite” model, you may ask? Well, yes, I suppose we could. But, again, no!
You see, we’re very good at that hi-touch, engaging, professional, tailored approach to each and every role brief. It works!
Clients appreciate the regular updates and progress reports, the well qualified, screened CVs, etc.
Candidates appreciate the honest and open comms and discussions regarding the role, client and long-term prospects/opportunities for career development, etc.
And funnily enough, the same is true whether we’re recruiting a CFO or a Project Coordinator, as we have done just recently.
Why do we sometimes apply our recruitment process to lower-level roles?
So, if the fees for the CFO are far more attractive than the Project Coordinator (as they clearly are), why do it when our costs for each project are similar?
Well, let us explain our rationale…
Yes, we’d love to fill every day with time spent on board-level roles, just ask our accountants when they see our invoice log.
However, new clients are sometimes cautious with regards to who they trust to deliver such crucial recruitment projects, and rightly so.
By offering a “proof of concept” recruitment service, new clients can experience the quality of our process (and the results) that they’ll receive on (more lucrative and higher value) recruitment briefs.
We view this as more of a concentration of skills than a service or brand diversification.
Effectively, it’s a marketing tactic…
Building and maintaining relationships is key to our recruitment process
We know we are good at what we do, let us show you.
The reduction in fees is a cost recouped by securing more valuable briefs in the future.
Long-term partnership for long-term gain (for both Barron Williams and our client).
Of course, if an existing client wants us to help on this sort of project too, then we’ll endeavour to say yes.
Again, we will take a view that it’s a strategic marketing decision as much as anything else.
If we can deliver a great result for our client, it cements that relationship and positions us front of mind for future senior-level roles.
However, before you start calling us and asking us to join a gaggle of current contingent recruiters struggling to fill your problem lower-level roles, there are a few caveats…
Can we help you fill a lower-level role?
First off, we need to have a clear run at it…
If it is an important role and you need to move quickly, that’s fine. But we will not commit the necessary time and resources to deliver our high-quality process in tandem with a panel of contingent recruiters scrabbling around for the “lucky CV”.
If you’ve not yet released the dogs of war, then please call us first.
If you have, then set them a deadline, let them do their thing.
If they’re purely contingent, they’ll need to find that “lucky CV” reasonably quickly (it’ll potentially be in their database) before they need to move on.
If they haven’t got the right candidate, they’ll need to move on to more likely projects, naturally. It is find or no fee (flee).
A couple of weeks is often ample time for your contingent recruiters to establish if they have or can find the right candidates.
Ask them to give you their top 3 screened and briefed candidates by your deadline. If you’ve got 3 contingent recruiters, that’s a longlist of 6 or 7 candidates, allowing for the inevitable duplication between agencies!
If that works, then great, it should be quick and cost-effective.
If the quality/quantity is simply not there, is it time to do something else?
Our recruitment process works best if you work with us
If we both agree that Barron Williams is your best option, then we would politely request that you call off the others and work with us exclusively.
Why? Because we will run your recruitment projects exactly the same way we would if you were looking for a new CEO, CFO, etc.
And that means we will manage all enquiries, applications and search prospects to build a high-quality longlist, subsequently partnering with you (the client) through shortlisting and ultimately selection.
For that, we need paying!
We will, of course, take a “view” on pricing.
We know the market and we know the rates for recruiting below our core target market. And, as we’ve already said, we view this as strategic marketing.
In short, we won’t fall out over price.
Similarly, we’ll flex our retained pricing structure if helpful.
Invoices are always better received when a client can clearly see that value for money has already been delivered!
Final caveat… This isn’t appropriate for every problem role!
Sometimes the problem is the role itself, not the recruitment process, but that’s one for a future blog post.
Btw… If we don’t think we are best positioned to fill your role, we will say so, and we will offer advice on what we think you should do. Honest advice, at all times.
We won’t ask you to agree to terms and commit to cost unless we are certain we can put the right person in the right role.
Contact us if you think we can help with your hiring needs
So, the next time you see a non-senior management role in our Current Opportunities, you’ll know that we are:
1. Helping a new client where we hope to recruit at a more lucrative level in the future.
2. We are working with an existing client who values the “Barron Williams Approach” and we’ve agreed to work together because we know we can deliver the result they need.
So, if you’re looking to hire, please use our Client Upload Form or Call Us now.
If you’re looking to find or apply for a new role, then please feel free to Upload Your CV or Call Us for an exploratory conversation.